About Us

ALIT Indonesia

ALIT is shortened of Arek Lintang (Children of Star),  a Non Government Organization (NGO) which formally established on April 22, 1998. Many founders of ALIT had conducting some assistance duties for street children in Surabaya since 1996.

Nowadays, ALIT has developed and reachable by the community in several areas all over Indonesia and international community. We are working together with many sectors in running our mission, which are the local and nationwide Indonesia government, other NGOs, international organizations, universities, press media, United Nations agency, and some private groups.





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27 Jun

Theresa Dyah: Mentor yang Menginspirasi di Anak-anak bantaran rel            

                                                                                                     (Surabaya, 27 Juni) 2024 – Theresa Dyah Yunita, […]

24 Jun

Perjuangan Lolos Perguruan Tinggi dan Melestarikan Budaya Asli Indonesia

Farra Ayu Aprizia Putri, Pada usia 22 tahun seorang […]

17 Jun

ALIT Indonesia menggalang dan mengadvokasi dana Pendidikan Tinggi Remaja Flores.

Anyelia Yuniati Prudensia atau biasa dipanggil Yuni adalah salah […]

3 Jun

Urban Farming sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Ketahanan Pangan di Kota Surabaya

Surabaya adalah kota metropolitan terbesar ke-2 terbesar di Indonesia. […]

30 May

Sekolah Pariwisata, Berkah atau Petaka ?

Indonesia adalah negara dengan potensi wisata yang besar. Dunia […]

Alit Indonesia

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote the condition of marginal children such as street children, children from poor areas in middle of the city and remote areas, children from minority groups through family economic empowerment, improvement of children participation, and advocacy at the local and nationwide government.

Alit Indonesia

Our Vision

The Vision of ALIT is to develop an equality for all children to achieve their rights.

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