SURABAYAONLINE. CO- Based on the child protection program during the pandemic, ALIT Indonesia collaborates with the Office of Women Empowerment, Child Protection and Population (P3AK) of East Java Province and other sectors from the private sector as well as the government.
This cooperation was confirmed in the task force unit handling COVID 19 Child Protection Team of East Java Province.
Synergy between sectors is also carried out with the Ministry of Villages and the Ministry of Education and Culture to meet aspects of social welfare and education for children during this pandemic.
As a concrete form of this synergy, Tuesday, May 19, 2020 at Bulukerto Village Hall, Batu, Malang, ALIT Indonesia with 3 government sectors namely the East Java Provincial P3AK Office, the Ministry of Village PDTT and the Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, jointly inaugurated the launch of the Child Protection Program during the Covid 19 pandemic by symbolically donating to children in 8 regencies / cities in East Java and 2 regions in Bali and Flores. In East Java, this colaboration reached Surabaya, Malang City, Batu Administrative City, Malang Regency, Pasuruan, Jember, Banyuwangi and Sumenep. While in Bali the areas to be targeted is Gianyar and in Flores at Sikka Village.
The total number of children included in this synergy scheme is 1398 children and their families. The children targeted for this donation are those who have been adjoining ALIT Indonesia, and are vulnerable to violence and exploitation.
In this synergy, ALIT Indonesia together with the P3AK Office of East Java Province divided the community resilience program into three areas, namely health, social welfare and education. In the field of health is realized by the provision of Hygiene Kit for Kids assistance, in the form of a completeness of self-health and health for children package. Consists of towels, bath soap, hand soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, and mask.
In addition to health protection equipments, children also get food supply for two months by paying attention to the value of adequacy.
In the field of social welfare, based on child data, program is provided to the parents of these children. The assistance scheme in the form of Cash for Work, provides parents with opportunities for children to keep working at home, such as sewing masks, making handwash dispensers which are then distributed to people in need.
In addition, cash for work also includes cooking for children’s food supply. This simple economic ecosystem has been implemented in the South Ketintang region, a village close to the railways.
ALIT Indonesia also collaborated with the Ministry of Villages to take a role in the field of social welfare by allocating direct cash assistance (BLT) to parents of children included in the scheme. This BLT distribution is three months with a distribution of Rp600,000 per month for all regions that have been equipped with the database.
This BLT program from the Ministry of Villages is targeted only in the village area. As for the city area, cooperation is established with the Diocese of Surabaya and Malang to provide supplies of basic materials to parents of children for three months with a duration twice a month.
In the field of education, ALIT Indonesia produces KIE in the form of educational banners and posters, short family education videos on Alit Indonesia Youtube channel and is currently cooperating for the screening of cultural education videos on TVRI together with the Directorate General of Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
Educational media tools also provided in the form of a set of educational game tools for small groups of children.
“The donation was delivered by the volunteers to the agreed village/city area portal, then the village coordinator distributed to the head of the group consist of 10 houses. With this scheme, human transmission can be prevented, but distribution is still conveyed,” said Director of Alit, Yuliati Umrah. (*)