The limitations of doing something during the corona pandemic, does not always make a person reluctant to do anything without work. At that time, a 16-year-old in Surabaya was inspired to create a song about his anxiety not being able to go to school and meet his friends.
Six songs titled “Nanti,” “Belajar,” “Masa Kecil,” “Jembatan,” “Rindu,” “Semesta,” and “Trajectory of Time”, composed and produced by a music group Friendship & Solidarity during the corona pandemic, when Surabaya implemented Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB).
The group consisting of Ranah Nirvananda, Hubert Henry Limahelu, and Rilna Pareira, poured their anxiety in the face of an uncertain situation due to the spread of coronavirus. They are volunteer and child support activists from Arek Lintang Foundation (ALIT), poured their work through songs and music, aimed at encouraging and educating children to keep the spirit according to their talents and skills even though their wiggle room is limited.
Hubert Henry Limahelu, a musician who joined this group, said that he was very passionate about being involved in educating and encouraging Indonesian children through music, by raising themes around loving Indonesia and its nature, respecting differences, and solidarity to fellow friends.
“There is a childhood song, it reminds the children that we are, in Indonesia, living various tribes, nations, religions and races, where we can unite. There was a few pieces of his poem, O Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, different but still one,” explained Hubert Henry Limahelu.
“We keep encourage that, because children should be educated that whether you are in Java, you have brothers who are in Sumatra, in Aceh, in Papua, in Bali, in Kalimantan, that’s your brother, we should not be divided. Because with colorful religious differences, tribes, it’s very beautiful,” he continued.
Ranah Nirvananda also known as Kojo, is a 16-year-old student of high school. He also created a number of songs on this debut album. His longing for friends and school, gave birth to songs that can be enjoyed by children and adults. Kojo hopes every child has the courage to pour his creativity despite limited wiggle room and time.
“For children, especially my age, whatever you do is actually good, just how you done it, make others enjoy it, that’s all that matters. I also want to send the message for Indonesia, do not change. I mean in this is new normal, stay united, do not be fragmented, that’s also what I said in my song Masa Kecil,” said Ranah Nirvananda.
Added by Hubert Henry, through this work, the band ‘Friendship and Solidarity’ wants to encourage and open up to invite all children to be involved in later works. By creativity, children can overcome a little boredom facing the corona pandemic.
“Here, in this ‘Friendship and Solidarity’, I hope all, all Indonesian children who have musical skills or not, we can learn together. That’s what I’m hoping for in the future,” Hubert Henry said.
Founder and Executive Director of Arek Lintang Foundation (ALIT), Yuliati Umrah, said children is a period of development that requires guidance and distribution of positive energy into a many things. However, said Yuliati, during this corona pandemic many children are not well sided by their parents, because they are more focused on economic needs. Meanwhile, the government and schools have not been able to provide space for children to create and express themselves.
Yuliati said, through this debut, it is expected that many people realize that children can do many positive things, without having to complain a lot about the corona pandemic situation.
“In any difficult condition, there are actually can do a lot of positive things, a lot of lesson learn that can be done, especially the new normal era, a lot can be done positively,” she said.
“These children will stick to protocol, stay at home, but not complain, when in limited conditions do positive things, it is inspiring. And I think all children have their talents, there are sports talent, some are dancing, some are writing, and we supported those spaces for them,” concluded Yuliati Umrah. [ pr / em ]